I learned about what is internet?
internet is the private network,it is the collection of network,such as server and computer protocols, it is the super high way.I learned about what is Multimedia?multimedia is the various collection of server such as text,videos,animation, sounds and graphics... ma'am Sarah Gavile teach us how to make blogs,that are lots of post, how make animation,and etch..
Home Page-Cover of the front page
Founder of face book-Mark Elliot Zuckerbrg.
Founder of google-Sergey Brin
Founder of twitter-Jack Dorsey
Founder of yahoo-Jerry Young and David Filo
Founder of foursquare-Dennis Crowley
Founder of instagrams-Kevin Systrom
Founder of you tube- Steve Chen
URL-Uniform Resource Locator
WWW-World Wide Web
AVI-Audio Video Interlive
The internet starts on 1972
Arpanet ang tawag sa internet before naging internet.
As I evaluate to my beloved teacher Ma'am Sarah Gavile.The first impression I saw her was very strict,but
of course that's part of being a teacher to be strict for the students sake to follow her.But of course I
understand my teacher to do that. Besides ma'am Sarah was very nice teacher I met,she only person who will teach me a lots of knowledge about the internet.I learned a lots of things from ma'am Sarah Gavile.Thank you ma'am for teaching us.God Bless You.
http://all honestreviews.blogspot.com
I will apply my knowledge about this subject for my soon better future.
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